Wednesday, 28 March 2007

If at first you don't succeed....

Remember the last post re: difficulty photographing dogs?

He's in there, honest, you can just about see one ear!

Untouched, straight off camera. Well, I was trying to keep him from knocking them off at the time! it's definitely a two person job.

Aaah, doesn't he look cute??? Not really, I think he's working out how to safely disembowel me!
Actually, being the wimp that he is, it's more like, "no, mummy, stop doing this to me!! I'm just a poor doggie" etc. etc.

Well, It's difficult to find photos that don't give stuff away re: SP10 so you may find a few more of these. So, what have I been up to so far this week?

A few more inches on the YO Yo Jackety coaty thing (pic to follow) - currently all icky smokey after knitting night so has to be fumigated before resumption of knitting, but great for mindless knitting ( only 16" to go....).

Parcel 1 of SP10 is winging its way over the water and my wallet hurts... plans to send next one Surface!

Knitted pressie2 well under way, it's the metre and a half of I cord (x2) that's getting to me, still, I cord holds no fear now! Major timetable to get everything ready for next parcel, am I a slavedriver or what? Old habits die hard!

I got my super duper cheap copy of Inspired Cable Knits so I can continue my sweater (once the madness is over), got a ding in one corner, otherwise mint.

Plus, Jaeger Matchmaker Merino now half price ( so I got her to save a pack or four!) So life still good!

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