Sunday, 17 August 2008

Time is running out!! Tick tock, tick tock.....

hence, not only have you had to wait more than a week for me to blog, I can't ramble on in my usual manner (which may be a blessing!) so this one will be shorter than usual.

The main reasons for my full schedule right now are the somewhat more punishing than originally anticipated timetable to get my fleece drumcarded and spun before close of play next Sunday. I will tell you more about that later.

The second reason has been me taking whole days to track down these blighters...

Given that my time's limited on this one, I've chosen a few of my favourites so far, but as they're disappearing after the Bank Holiday, time's tight to get as many as possible before they do.

Plus, there's the awkward ones like this one which really need re-shooting, too many people, not enough time before the bus home arrived!

Still, it's been great excercise and with a little luck, we'll take to the car this afternoon in order to get a few of the more inaccessible ones leaving me with an all-zone Saveaway and an interesting itinerary on Monday to grab a few more. There's the potential to mop up any extras on Friday but hopefully I can forego that for a movie instead, still eats into spinning tome though!

I know there's still the rest of the week but as that includes a trip to the RSPCA (long wait), you can see how my time becomes a little more crucial.

Anyway, in Ravelympics news, here's the scoreboard as of last night where I managed a herculean 4 batts in an attempt to take the pressure off.

There are 21 batts worth there, and 2 finishing points. When I hit 32 batts, I'll call it finished as my original goal was 2 batts a day. However, there are another perhaps 10 batts, 2-3 of which are still to be prepped to be spun before I'll have completely spun that fleece PLUS the carrier bag of Portland, you can start to see where the pressure comes in!

Still, it was my choice, I have no further plans to join knitalongs/spinalongs/sockalongs or anything else this'll be xmas knitting next anyway and the following week will be a more gentle but fun dyefest so I'm not a total masochist!

On the knitting front, I am a little further up the back of the Wendy pure bamboo yarn...

...Considering the only time I get to knit it is Tuesday knitting groups, it's not bad PLUS I've been following the pattern despite it getting somewhat wrecked with the terrible weather on the Saturday a couple of weeks back.

However, my plans for a sock knit during Ravelympics has been well and truly scuppered. Aside from the spinning, Lambanana'ing and knitting groups, there's one other thing...

...But I'll have to let you know about them another time. Suffice to say, I was meant to be knitting a square a day but ended up doing these in the car yesterday. Inspiration took hold and I've decided the right-hand one (which should be on its side- damn blogger) is raindrops falling down a window. That's all I can say for now.

Right, back to the wheel, on your marks, get set....

1 comment:

Donna said...

We went lambanana hunting yesterday, we got 16 but of yours we only got the one on the exercise bike. Pics on my blog later.