Monday, 14 May 2007

I'm Back!

Wow, it seems like this is the longest I've left it without a post! Bad Blogger!!!
For those that don't already know, I've been on my holidays in a lovely rural bit of Malvern, Herefordshire with plenty of peace and tranquility but no internet signal!

And you all know how manic it gets the week before, particularly if you add in a broken washing machine and a mouse in the kitchen, sorting out a better internet deal plus our e-mail; accounts being switched off the day before we left! For the record, himself's is now a ok but mine? Still in the land of the faries AAARGHH!!!

Add to that the fact I got an e-mail from Burton Manor saying essentially, letter in the post and by the way was I serious when I said I could run this course (which they wouldn't want me 'cos I've no training qualifications, just a hell of a lot of transferrable skills as well as a teaching degree). Basically, they said they'd be interested to talk to me re: running a course!!!!

Well, I e-mailled back in the affirmative but I don't know if they've replied back because of THAT e-mail so it's fingers crossed it'll come back on in a day or so. I will however keep everyone posted if this theoretical does become a reality tho it's likely to be at least 6-12 months in the future. Oh yeah, and I got sent a £20 voucher off my next course which I think is fine.

Sorry for the lack of pics on this one but on my return, my main computer died! So this is being composed on my laptop (thank god!) but it has a new super duper anti virus thingummie that HATES the one to put pics on...still, I'll hijack himself's later and give you a proper holiday summary.

For now, I'll keep this short 'n' sweet 'cos JO'll be along soon ( no I can't ad links either...) for her trawl 'round Ryder House. Cashpoint at the ready, on your marks, get set.......



Romelda said...

Oh, I am glad you are back. You were missed. I snet a card and wonder how long mail takes? JOY has been doing her job, sitting on my desk and bringing a happy smile whenever my eyes light on it. Lots of blogging to do , must run. Friday is the day!

Rachel said...

Hi Chris,

Please visit my website and read the relevant post as you have won a fibre freebie from me, congratulations!

Kath said...

Hi Chris - Yes I'm hopeing to be at knitting tonight. So far I'm at Mum's but will be home in time so will see you later!